Our Service Fees
We do not deal directly with any insurance providers and are not part of Medicare or other networks. We offer very reasonable fee-for-service rates and provide an exceptional quality of care that you and your family will value. For those with out-of-network insurance benefits, we are happy to provide a superbill that details the diagnostic and treatment codes for your reimbursement. We also accept FSA and HSA credit cards for your convenience.
You are responsible for all scheduled appointments for both Chiropractic and Massage once the appointments are made. Cancellations require email notification at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment to avoid being charged the full session amount.
Relax. Close your eyes and bring your attention inward to your body’s sensations and feelings, even the uncomfortable ones. Your body may want to breathe differently or deeper during your adjustment as a way of releasing old tensions and restrictions that have been locked in your tissues for some time. Use your exhalation to let go of tension and your inhalation to bring in new life energy.
Remove your belt or any binding clothing. Empty your pockets. Turn off your phone. Take a pause in your busy day to explore yourself and your body.
If possible, plan your visit so that you have not just eaten a big meal so your nervous system will not be preoccupied with digestion.
During your adjustment, you may notice different kinds of touch: sometimes lighter and more energetic, sometimes deeper and more muscular, and some more “structural” in nature, corresponding to the specific tissues in your body that are expressing subluxation patterns. Your body may want to do something in response to what it feels…let it! Feel free to move, stretch or change position on the table. Let your body wiggle, giggle, sigh or cry as it is so moved.
Typically, you may feel physical changes as your body receives adjustments. In some cases, you may also become aware of feelings, emotions or memories coming up to the surface for processing. Sometimes a funny taste in your mouth or a bit of nausea will arise as your system releases and clears out something toxic. All of these are a normal part of the adjusting process. You can support your system through the healing process by drinking extra water to flush toxins out, eating well and getting enough rest following your session.
If you train or work out on the day of an adjustment, take it a little easy! Do not push your body to 110% right away, even if you are feeling amazing. Remember your system may need a little time to integrate and get used to the new possibilities that have opened during the adjustment.
It is normal to feel different after your session. Sometimes different is really good and sometimes it can feel a little strange or even tender, like you had a good workout the day before. If you have questions about new sensations in your body, please reach out to us! We want to know!